
Dear Friends,
I hope that you all are keeping safe and well during this time and continuing to enjoy the lovely weather.
On Sunday we celebrate Pentecost. A time to think about the important work of the Holy Spirit.  The Methodist Church website provides us with a short reflection.
“On Pentecost Sunday we have two pictures of how the Holy Spirit of God comes upon his people. In Jerusalem, people of many different nations and languages gathered together for a huge party. A mighty wind and flames of fire came upon them, they were full of excitement and energy, and they found themselves caught up in a new display of God’s power. The Church, of which we are a part, was born on this day. Of course, we cannot at the moment meet together in a church building and large gatherings are certainly not allowed, but we need to take time to celebrate we are part of something big that God hasn’t finished with yet.
The other picture is not about a large gathering, but is an upper room full of frightened and upset disciples after Jesus had died. Jesus appeared to them in their darkness, breathed on them, and said, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit.’ It was a pastoral gift to those who needed it in the state they found themselves in, reviving, restoring and putting them right. In these uncertain times, take time not just to remember the loud and vibrant coming of the Spirit to a vast crowd, but a quiet and gentle coming to us where we happen to find ourselves. On this day, we often use a slogan ‘the Church has left the building.’ In so many ways, the Church has done just that over the past few weeks, through looking after the vulnerable, supporting aid projects, keeping in touch with everyone and providing alternative forms of worship to join people together. God promises every day to put his Spirit in us so we can live. Today in the noise  of our lives and in quietness we celebrate in confidence that the Lord is here, his Spirit is with us”
As we celebrate Pentecost Sunday I thought I would share with you some words of a new hymn “A Living Pentecost” written by Rev Raj Bharath Patta and Rev Claire Stainsby who are both ministers in the Manchester and Stockport District.
Streets are filled with many people, voices raised in every tongue,
Bring first-fruits of their harvest, gift of God from old and young.
In the midst of celebration, comes a new unsettling sound:
A cacophony of praising , Word alive, Spirit unbound!
God is here, speaking our language, speaking as we do,
Christ alive, here in Spirit, and turns the tables, upsets conventions,
Brings a new church to birth, today a living Pentecost.
Mighty wind blows through the city, sweeps a new age into birth,
Holy fire to burn the boundaries, and ignite God’s work on earth.
Aramaic, Persian, Coptic, Parthian, Arabic and Greek,
Heard and understood and spoken, God in multi-lingual speak!
God is here ....
Wake up call to every nation, chaos melts, new paths made plain,
Harvest now for new creation, these the first-fruits of Christ’s reign.
We, God’s  Church, arise for action, move in faith to break new ground,
Spirit , take us to the margins where your living work is found.
God is here ....
If you would like to listen to this please visit the Methodist Church Website
or just click here
If you would like to join the Sunday Morning Service by Zoom  just after 11.00am
Join Zoom Meeting – just click on the link and you’ll be placed in a waiting area and Rev Linda will let you in. This is a safeguarding measure.
or just click here
Meeting ID: 862 864 7498
Password: 234308
Dial one of the following:
0203 481 5237
0203 481 5240
0131 460 1196
0203 051 2874
If you are dialling into the services instead of joining them via Zoom online – please use one of the phone numbers shown above and enter the same Meeting ID and Password above.
You are also very welcome to join a telephone act of worship each Sunday at 10.00am by calling the number below and using the codes  as shown.
Dial: 0333 0110 946
When asked enter the
Room number: 47927697 #
When asked enter the
Guest PIN: 1145 #
As you pray, please think of  those who are ill with Coronavirus and the families of those who have died. Please also hold in prayer all those who are delivering caring and essential services  to help keep us safe and pray for those known to us in our Church family 
Frank & Barbara
Ken & Pat
Rev Alex
Please do continue if you are able to pray at 6.00pm each evening and join with others from our Church so that we can unite in the power of prayer.
We move into June on Monday, June being Bible month so our Bible Studies on the Book of Ruth will be starting on Thursdays at 6.50pm. We hope that as many of you as possible will be joining us on Zoom, either by video or by phone using the same Zoom link and codes above.
You can find reflections and biblical stories on our Circuit you tube channel including  new material added weekly from Rev Linda, Rev Jeff and others at
or just click here
You can also share the details with your friends.
I hope these resources are helpful to you .
Please continue to stay safe and know that you are surrounded by the love and prayers of your Church family.
With every blessing