Jacq On ... 80 

 These days they say ‘80 years young’ and that is how it feels to me! I came to the Lord when I was 16 and my best years have been since I retired. Of course, I had my wilderness years; a time when I always believed but didn’t practice, so therefore I lost my conscious contact with God.
Since retirement I have had more time for attending church and getting to know God better through prayer, meditation and bible study; these are essential for my happiness. I feel God’s surrounding me through His Holy Spirit.  This has been left to me by Jesus and for everyone who believes for all time. It is such a simple message and all we have to do is believe in the greatest and most important moment in history, when Jesus came to the earth.
The bible says a thousand years in history is but a day gone by. Psalm 90:4 ‘A thousand years in your sight are like a day just gone by, or like a watch in the night.’ So Jesus was here a couple of days ago and will return in a couple of days. Such joy!
Of course, there are days when I feel 80 years ‘old’ but these are rare compared to the happiness I have in knowing and following Jesus. I am far from perfect - ask my family! But I do my best to follow the perfect example of our wonderful saviour, His compassion, His forgiveness, His humbleness and most of all His love. The Holy Spirit helps me with this and it is okay to fail too. Our Lord has unconditional love and forgiveness. If I try my best - that is all God asks of me. The rewards are amazing; an amazing 80 years.