Jacq On ... The Greatest Commandment

Having recently watched a TV programme on great philosophers, I came to the conclusion there is no one greater than Jesus. Indeed, Jesus coming to the earth was our greatest and most important event in history. What is so amazing He is still with us today, through the Holy Spirit which He has left with us for all time.
I cannot think of any advice greater than the first and greatest commandment. Jesus said in Matthew 22:37, ‘Love the lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself’.
 Imagine what that would mean in this world today? There would be no wars, no poverty and everyone would be taken care of even in a natural disaster. Are refugees not our neighbours? They would be taken care of too, as we would all be like good Samaritans. You might think this is an ideology but we are already showing signs with food banks, Fairtrade and overseas disaster funds.
Jesus was and is our great example of forgiveness, equality and self-sacrifice. In our finest moments we emulate Him, but when we don’t He forgives us anyway. I cannot think of anyone who comes anywhere near His goodness and mercy. Jesus is the Son of God and our greatest example of goodness. Everything we are and everything we have we owe to God, our Father and His Son Jesus Christ.