Sock it to me! 

I Love Chips 
This is one half of my 'I LOVE CHIPS' socks. They have a special meaning to me. They tell a lovely story and I am happy to share it. The socks relate to a sad time but bring wonderful memories to the fore. Dad had dementia and lost most of his speech. Mum would tell him what was planned for lunch. Rather than nod he would say, 'And chips!' I related this story to the funeral directors whilst making arrangements. I wore my 'I LOVE CHIPS' socks to his funeral. On returning to the wake, along with the usual fare, were bowls of chips for us all to enjoy! Now you know why these socks are so special!
Do you have any socks that mean more than just another pair of socks? that tell a special story? Would you like to share it? Then sock it to me! Please ensure picture and writing are, like me, anonymous. Just share a heart-warming story.